Providing Artists Everything They Need
To Create Success and Satisfaction
Monthly Mini Mentorship
Once a month, 4 artists, 60 minutes.
~Each artist shows 1-3 pieces of work, a website (or other aspect of their artist business) to the group.
~Each artist receives feedback on strengths and weaknesses, and is offered 3 tips on how to improve.
In Depth Critique
This is for you if:
~You are an artist who has a completed body of work, and you would like trusted feedback and critique.
~You are needing help generating language to talk about your work and/or write about it.
~You need help writing or editing an artist statement, and/or social media copy.
One-on-One Creative
This is for you if:
~You are feeling stuck or stagnant in your creative process, or you feel as though you've reached a ceiling limit with what you can do.
~You feel as though your work doesn't fully align with who you are NOW, and not sure how to change.
~You do lots of different styles, and you need feedback to know which to focus on.